VitaTinnitus VitaHarmony®

Současně roste význam mezioborové spolupráce mezi otorinolaryngology, neurology, psychology a fyzioterapeuty. Integrovaný přístup kombinuje různé terapie, jako jsou zvuková terapie, KBT a neuromodulace, což vede k lepším výsledkům u pacientů [13]. Seznam odborné literatury 1. Baguley, D., McFerran, D., & Hall, D. A. (2013). Tinnitus. The Lancet, 382(9904), 1600-1607. 2. Lim, H. H., & Muniak, M. A. (2012). Toward a neural basis of bimodal stimulation for tinnitus suppression. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, 25. 3.Conlon, B., Langguth, B., Hamilton, C., Hughes, S., Meade, E., & Hall, D. A. (2020). Bimodal neuromodulation combining sound and tongue stimulation reduces tinnitus symptoms in a large randomized clinical study. Science Translational Medicine, 12(564), eabb2830. 4. Tyler, R. S., Stocking, C., Secor, C., & Slattery, W. H. (2021). Lenire treatment: Bimodal neuromodulation for tinnitus. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 32(3), 160-171. 5. Langguth, B., Kreuzer, P. M., Kleinjung, T., & De Ridder, D. (2013). Tinnitus: Causes and clinical management. The Lancet Neurology, 12(9), 920-930. 6.Lefaucheur, J. P., & Aleman, A. (2014). Transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus: A review. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(5), 973-982. 7.Nitsche, M. A., & Paulus, W. (2011). Transcranial direct current stimulation – update 2011. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 29(6), 463-492. 8. Elgoyhen, A. B., Langguth, B., Vanneste, S., De Ridder, D., & Schecklmann, M. (2019). Identifying tinnitus subtypes: A step towards personalized treatment. The Lancet Neurology, 18(6), 483-495. 9. Rogan, S. C., & Roth, B. L. (2011). Remote control of neuronal signaling. Pharmacological Reviews, 63(2), 291-315. 10. Shore, S. E., Roberts, L. E., & Langguth, B. (2016). Maladaptive plasticity in tinnitus—triggers, mechanisms, and treatment. Nature Reviews Neurology, 12(3), 150-160. 11. Kreuzer, P. M., Vielsmeier, V., & Langguth, B. (2013). Chronic tinnitus: An interdisciplinary challenge. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 110(16), 278-284. 12. Schlee, W., Schecklmann, M., Lehner, A., Kolassa, I. T., Weisz, N., & Langguth, B. (2016). Reduced variability of auditory alpha activity in chronic tinnitus. Neural Plasticity, 2016, 7037607. 13. De Ridder, D., Vanneste, S., Weisz, N., Londero, A., Schlee, W., Elgoyhen, A. B., & Langguth, B. (2014). An integrative model of auditory phantom perception: Tinnitus as a unified percept of interacting separable subnetworks. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 44, 16-32. 800 182 572 7:30-16:30 (Pá: do14:00) Vyhlídka 39, 63800 Brno, Česká republika Tel: +420 545 222 863 Fax: +420 545 222 011 Strana 23 Kapitola 7.: Současné novinky a možná vylepšení